Saturday, August 6, 2011

One Week Later

A week after we arrive back home, we were asked to write about what the trip meant personally. There is so much on my mind that this blog could potentially become a short book.

Ever since I was told about this class, by Cherith, during our Math class (Beth, thank Cherith for 5 or 6 of us signing up for the class). I was excited from that minute and signed up for the class a week later, after figuring out all my classes for future semesters. From that day on I looked forward to the week in the Adirondacks. Once the time became near, I was excited and ready to leave home. I was even glad that my cell phone would not have signal.

All the girls that took this class knew each other from previous classes together, so I bet it was weird for Jason. He seemed quiet the first 2 days. Once he opened up, we got to know a little more about Jason's character and over achiever attitude, lol. I really appreciated Jason during our week. He did a lot with me that others weren't comfortable doing. I am, sort of, a risk taker, but not like you'd think...nothing crazy or anything like that. I tend to try new things and love to get involved and learn. Jason was right there along with me for some of the things I didn't think twice about doing, that other's were not so willing to try. For example, I was thrilled to death about Ferd's Bog, and I wandered out to investigate, while the rest of the group called out to me to be careful and not to fall or sink. All I could think of was that a bog is not quick sand, what could possibly happen?

The activities we did during our week were kayaking, climbing Black Bear Mountain, Ferd's Bog, a trip to The Wild Science Center, and Adirondack Museum. We also hiked around the peninsula (not and island) and participated in some team work activities. I'm guessing the team work games were supposed to take place on the 1st day, because they seemed a little pointless considering we had already been there for 4 days. The activities were to get you to communicate with people you've just met. Since most of us knew each other, and also since we have spent the majority of the week together already, we flew threw each task. We had to shorten times and rules to be challenged.

There were only 2 disappointments. First, we only had a total of 2 hours one day, and 1 hour another day, throughout the week for free time to enjoy personal choice activities at the camp. All three hours I spent out on the water with Courtney and Lindsey. They were new at kayaking, and I was grateful and loving that they wanted to return to the water, even though they were unsure of the unsteady boat rocking feeling. Thank you ladies.

My second disappointment was that I was told about the high ropes course and could not stop thinking about how wonderful it will feel to glide down the zip line. Once we arrived at the camp, we were informed that we would not participate in the high ropes course. I can't even begin to explain how much this still upsets me. I love adventure, heights, and a good challenge, so I am bothered that others were able to do this, but we could not. Even the other group camping there the same week did the course. Boo hoo.

We spent a lot of time in the Carlson Classroom (too much time personally). We learned a lot, but it made for long days going non stop from 8am to 8:30pm every day. I felt like there was never a break, even though the information was informative and useful. I had an impression that we were going to spent time on "teaching" and how to incorporate outdoor activities into the curriculum, but the class was actually not much about "teaching" and more about environmental issues. I did enjoy and take a great deal from what I learned about the environmental aspect and subject, but I just thought we were going to have the focus on teaching/schools/students, ect.

The environmental discussions, slides, and videos have made me more aware since I have left the peninsula (that's twice now I made sure I didn't say island). I do wonder how and why we could not recycle our cardboard boxes at the camp, but we can at home. I understand that other materials are combined in the boxes, but why is it okay to recycle it one place, but not another? Yesterday I wanted to throw out my razor replacement head ...not the whole razor, just the blade, and I thought, this is metal and plastic, both recyclable, but I have to throw it in the garbage because of how it is made. Then today, I went to our annual Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally and someone there lit flying Chinese Lanterns (or Sky Lantern). All I could think was, what a waste. Why are they doing this, why is it necessary, and look at the waste product and garbage we just sent into the air to have land miles away to rot on the ground...and for what? So we can be entertained for a few moments while staring into the sky to say "What is the heck is that flaming object flying int he sky?" Instead of finding it to be beautiful, historical, or intriguing, I found it to be stupid, a waste, and littering.

My stress disappeared while in the Adirondacks and found its way right back into my chest my first night home. I was as happy as I could possibly be while away from home, and I was not ready to return. My week away made me feel so good that I said I refused to go home to the same life. Not that I live some horrible life, but it is compacted with stress and disappointment. The trip made me see I am capable of making changes that I really want fulfilled. I am not there yet, but now that I know how good it feels to not have stress for just 1 week, I am working to make it last longer than those wonderful 6 days we had....and I know I can accomplish it without having to be at an expensive college class. I can do it all on my own with just a few changes.

Thank you Carl, Beth, and Tim for the experience.

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